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Now available for purchase at

EDEN: A Relationship-Based Template for Co-Creating Paradise on Earth

ISBN 9781549858017


EDEN: A Relationship-Based Template for Co-Creating Paradise on Earth, offers a simple, easy to understand experiential guide through the 7 Chakras, along with other relationship-based templates for healthy relating with Source, Self, Others, and Our Environment. The realization and application of which, will lead to the full embodiment of our Divine Human potential and the co-creation of Paradise on Earth.


The template models in this book are designed to be applied together for synergy, or independently for specialized conscious co-creating of your personal, professional, and/ or community oriented Eden, thus contributing to our global Eden. Applied in its entirety, or adapted in segments, this relationship-based template can be employed as a new model offering conscious solutions to outdated, faulty foundational models. The old world model is based on control dramas that are geared more towards feeding the individual ego, and therefore contributing to our collective collapse or confinement. EDEN offers a New World model that is based on the guidance and harmonizing frequencies, of the Higher Self and the Soul, while addressing the appropriate integration of the individual ego and our stewardship of our bodies and Earth, in a way that supports, empowers, and liberates the Whole.


Where can this template be applied? Anywhere one desires to co-create a healthy conscious relationship... and the truth is; all of Life is relationship


EDEN Mission Statement: We are consciously co-creating, communicating, relating, circulating, and celebrating from a place of Unconditional Love and Health & Well-Being.


We are here to love, be loved, and be Love.


Shaman Speaks: Nine Lessons in Living from the Inner Teacher

ISBN 9781521737453


This  book is a collection of nine channeled Shamanic Wisdom Teachings. The lessons address difficult real life issues and emotions such as: Romantic Love, Parenting, Anger, Control, Impatience, Judgment, Fear, Greed, and Loss. The candid and entertaining Q & A dialogue, combined with descriptive visual imagery, provides powerful medicine for seekers of Self-Realization and Self-Mastery.

This Woman's Work

ISBN 9781521764114


This Woman’s Work is an auto-biographical account of personal poetry that spans over two decades of writing. It chronicles the author’s life from past-life recall flashes, dysfunctional maternal and paternal lineages, difficult childhood years, young adult primary love relationship, and the middle years of marriage and early motherhood.


The poems openly speak of her experiences and perspectives on intimate feminine topics such as: neglect, abuse, incest, mental illness, patriarchal vs. matriarchal values, control dramas, suicide attempts, work, romantic love, sexuality, marriage, giving birth, early motherhood, anger addictions, self-worth issues, communication breakdowns, spousal abuse, infidelity, divorce, environmental and humanitarian liberation outcries, and the budding promise of a new woman being birthed out of the darkness and into the Light. (The author's story continues to unfold in her second poetry book Searching for God I Found My Self).


The hope for world transformation begins with the Self. Only through our willingness to honestly examine our early familial upbringing and environments, and observe and inquire about our inner lives, outer actions, and resulting relationships, do we become aware. Only through telling the truth to ourselves and others, and breaking the bonds of unconscious chains, do we become liberated. Only through consistently committing to make new, conscious choices, do we become empowered. It all starts at Home….as this is the way of “woman’s work”.


This book is for all the women and children, and aspects of the feminine nature that would not, or could not speak out during their time. May you be heard, and may you be at peace. With Love, Hope, and Trust for All of us.

Searching for God, I Found My Self

ISBN 9781521787021


Searching for God, I Found My Self is the continuation of the author’s auto-biographical collection of poetry, This Woman’s Work.


In this book the author has emerged from the shadows of home life and out into the Light …of nature and the more solitary seeker’s path of self-realization. On the Way she learns to move in a gentler, more compassionate, and harmonious rhythm with Life. Through her outer observations of and experiences with nature she finds a face of God that she can relate to as: Mother, Father, Child, Teacher, Healer, Artist, Lover, and Friend. Through her inward reflecting she finds that Divine face mirrored right back to her. “As without, so within”. Searching for God, she found her Self, her Whole Self- and to know Self, is to love Self.


The soulful wisdom and sensory descriptive nature of these poems offer art for the Eye, music for the ears, understanding for the mind, healing for the heart, compassion for the body, and inspiration for the spirit.

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