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What is a 7 Chakra Reading & Re-Balancing Session... and why do you want one?


Chakras (Sanskrit for "wheels of light") are energetic vortexes that run up the human spine from the tailbone to the crown of the head and beyond. Each of the 7 human body chakras are connected with particular glands, organs, physical body parts, and auric body layers. They store information regarding our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Health & Well-Being. The condition of our chakras can affect the quality of everything in our life including: Enlightenment, Health & Well-Being (Body, Mind, Emotion, & Spirit), Self-Love, Relationships, Communication, Creativity, Sexuality, Finances etc.


During a 7 Chakra Reading & Re-Balancing Session I arrange a time with the client when they are able to lie down, completely undisturbed, and fully receive. Then I do distance sending by connecting my Higher Self and Team of Light with the client's Higher Self and Team of Light. As an Empath, I begin to scan the client's chakras by using a combination of clairsentient, clairaudient, clairvoyant, and claircognizant abilities to receive the messages the chakras wish to convey and then redirect and re-balance the energies for the client's Highest & Best Good at that time. I often use toning, Soul talk, and prayers during this procedure. I do not need to be physically with the client when doing this because I am connecting with them in the Quantum Realm, beyond our time/space reality, where everything is possible.


How frequent should I have such a tune-up? That depends entirely on how you drive your "vehicle". It is recommended to have a tune-up at least once a year, and more often for those experiencing health issues, chronic conditions, or those on the spiritual fast track for enlightenment in this lifetime. On going Health & Well-Being Life Coaching & Spiritual Guidance is recommended and available to help support the unfolding and integration of your Embodiment Journey.


Discover your Divine-Human potential:


* Distance 7 Chakra Reading & Re-Balancing Session $222: Includes 2 hr distance session and follow up phone call of results.


* 25 years experience in the fields of Spiritual Consciousness and Embodiment, Meditation, Yoga, and Health & Well-Being.


* Additional on-going Spiritual Guidance and Health & Well-Being Coaching $50/hr.


* Note: 7 Chakra Reading & Re-Balancing Sessions are not intended to replace any physical medical or Earth-based therapies that may be required for your full physical care.

" I have had this done more than once. It is amazing what she picks up on that you may know but haven't shared with her. Her talents and gifts are strong and any who partake of her gifts will only benefit." -Heather Cahill


" Ruby Rose has been a pivotal part of my healing and fully being able to see and love myself. Her work is beautiful and touches me at the core of my soul. I know she sees me fully and works with and loves me as I am. This also helps me to do the same. I have received healing from her with her Distance Chakra Reading, EFT, one on one Coaching and a Shadow Work, and Shamanic Journeying. Anyone close to me gets her chakra reading and balancing for my gift; all have been amazed with her talent. I have seen huge shifts in people after receiving this from her. She is also generous with her time and work, always there if you have a question. Thank you Ruby for being a part of my healing, I will be forever grateful."


-Love, Brandy Chase

" I have had this treatment a few times. It is the most thorough and effective healing that I have ever experienced. I highly recommend it!!! 

This is very effective!!! I love it!!! "


- Pam Gruenstein

Divine Grace Love Healing Transmission Session


Are you or a loved one experiencing an injury or illness or having difficulty recovering from one?


Divine Grace Love Healing Transmissions can help. During a session I arrange a time when the client is able to lie down, undisturbed, and fully receive, or it is coordinated with the client's surgery or medical procedure. I then connect Source, my Higher Self and Team of Light with the client's and any medical team they may be working with. As an Empath I do an entire body scan of the client, particularly focusing on the affected areas or condition of concern. I allow Spirit to flow through my Crown, and Heart , and out my Hands sending Healing Light & Love and re-directing and re-balancing energies for the clients Highest & Best Good at that time. This is primarily a silent energetic process with some occasional toning, Soul Talk, and prayers. If there is any cognitive information that needs to be conveyed it is received through a combination of clairsentient, clairaudient, clairvoyant, and claircognizant abilities.


The reason I do not need to be physically present with the client's body is because I am connecting with them in the Quantum Realm, beyond the limitations of time, in the Unified Present Field where anything is possible.


Results can vary from miraculous healings, to speedier healing time and better recovery, to awareness of further steps and connections to make on behalf of one's health, or, if the Soul so chooses, assistance for graceful transition from physical form to the Other Side.


What are the frequency recommendations for Grace Love Healing Transmission Sessions? As often as needed or desired.

Grace is available to all that ASK and RECEIVE:


* DIstance Divine Grace Love Healing Transmission Session $111: Approximately 2hrs with follow up call of results.


* 25 years experience in the fields of Spiritual Consciousness & Embodiment, Meditation, Yoga, and Health & Well-Being.


* Note: Divine Grace Love Transmissions are not intended to replace any physical medical or Earth-based therapies that may be required for your full physical care.

" When I was 26 I began working as a commercial and residential painter. I worked in this profession for 9 yrs, during which I spent a lot of time on my knees or in a crouched position while painting and masking. This lead to low level chronic pain that felt quite pronounced in my 9th and final year of painting. I also injured my right shoulder by falling off a six foot ladder twice in those years of painting. Ruby performed a Medical Intuitive Divine Love Healing on both my knees and shoulder when I was 35; resulting in immediate relief from the chronic pain I had been living with.  I cannot describe any physical sensations, or any other kind of sensation, for that matter, happening to me during the healing. It honestly didn't feel like she even did anything, but the results were real and undeniable for me. " - Mervin Chinnis

" I received a powerful energy healing session with Goddess  Ruby Rose EvenStar . It felt like I received a  1 1/2 hr massage, chiropractic adjustment, chakra balancing, and cranial-sacral treatment all in one. It seems that there was a jaw alignment, as the tight jaw I have had for many months was relieved. This is fascinating since it was a no-touch treatment. I highly recommend Ruby Rose's very skilled energy medicine work." - Darlene Harris

" I'm calling regarding your test results and she, the doctor, said that... hmm everything was normal now, your platelet count was normal now. She's not sure why it was low last time, but they said it might have been a processing error. So everything looks good and we'll forward your results. Um...I think that answers all your questions, if you have any others let us know. "


" Ruby, this was the message on my phone days after you healed me. When you went home, I went in for my second blood test. The above was the results after the second blood test. I was told by hospital low platelets could be caused by spleen problems. You worked on my spleen! You healed my spleen! You have a gift of healing. " - Domenica Parisi

Non-Violent Communication Relationship Mediation & Couples Coaching


How's your Love Life? I mean really...beyond the societal masks and social shows?


Did you know that most relationship heart-breaks, break-ups, and emotional shut-downs or explosive out-breaks are a result of communication break-downs? What if you and your beloved could learn to turn toward each other, rather than away from each other....even when it comes to the really tough stuff? What if you could learn to really listen, hear, understand, and hold compassionate sacred space for each others difficult emotions? What if you both could get more of your wants and needs met in a way that honored all involved? What if you could express your full Authentic Self and enjoy a deeply Soul-satisfying Relationship with your beloved? What would that be worth to you?


If your "two-some" has left you in a boat that is heavy with burdens, bothers, or boredom...don't jump ship just yet. It may be time to call on "The Power of Three". As a neutral third party mediator I implement tools such as Non-Violent Communication, Couples Q & A, determining individual Core Values and Primary Passions, Couples Visioning, Balancing Work /Play Pie Charts, Intimacy Building Questions & Play, The 5 "A''s of Good Relationships, The 5 Primary Love Languages, Romance Recommendations...and more.






If you're both willing to row your boat gently down the stream to your merrily, merrily "our love life's a dream", then pick up an ore and row toward...


* Non-Violent  Communication Relationship Mediation  & Couples Coaching Sessions $50 for a 1.5hr session via Skype, or Phone.


* This mediation work can also be applied to non-romantic relationships such as: work, family, and friendships.


"Who would ever want to escape from a net woven of Love?"-Ruby Rose EvenStar.


Helping you enjoy your catch!


* 25 years in the fields of Spiritual Consciousness and Embodiment, Meditation, Yoga , & Health & Well-Being.



" Ruby Rose EvenStar is an empath, & pioneer in the field of Body, Mind, Spirit. She offers many services, of which I have taken advantage of two, on more than one occasion over the years, (Distance Chakra Reading & Rebalancing, & EFT Emotional Freedom Tapping). Ruby Rose is the most loving, honest, detailed, caring, thorough, hardworking, & ethical healer I have ever had the pleasure of coming in contact with. Her gift/gifts are very strong, & my health, (Body, Mind, Spirit) has always benefited from my sessions with her. Ruby is the best listener you will probably ever come to know, & you are her full attention from beginning to end. Ruby Rose is truly the best-kept secret in her field. Anyone who has found other avenues attempted - to have either harmed them or left them unheard or uncared for, should give themselves the gift of Ruby’s services, they will not be disappointed. "


-H.C. Seattle, WA.


EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) Session...

What is EFT and how can it help you?


Shame, Depression, Grief, Sadness, Apathy, Frustration, Anger..feeling any of these? Weight Issues (under or over), Health Problems, Abuse,Trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Sexual Identity Issues or Sexual Difficulties, Addictions, Financial Issues, Creative Blocks, Poor Self-Esteem, Anxiety or Excessive Shyness, Loss...experiencing any of these?


If so, welcome to the human race. However, just because we feel difficult emotions, and experience the results of our low vibrations emissions, does not mean that we have to stay stuck in these. Our emotions are wonderful gifts (all of them). Emotions provide signals that show us whether or not we are aligned with what we are wanting to co-create as a reality in our life. In order to become deliberate co-creators, we must first become aware of the truth of what we are feeling (which brings to light the thoughts we are thinking). When we feel our emotions fully, breathe acceptance into them, and then release them and let them go, then we are able to be fully present to the Now moment. From this clear present moment we can become conscious co-creators of what we are now choosing to experience instead.


EFT is a process where the facilitator guides the client to tap on specific acupressure meridian points on their body while verbally exploring the negative polarity emotions and current circumstantial blocks they would like to clear. We do this by making statements of complete love and acceptance for everything we are feeling and experiencing. This truthful, safe container of allowance provides the space for the tension and resistance of the trapped emotion or experience to be released. It is a powerful process that connects the Conscious, Subconscious, and Unconscious Mind with the Emotional and Physical Body.


EFT is beneficial for anyone and highly recommended for Empaths, Sensitives, Counselors, Therapists and Body Workers, Abuse or War Survivors, those with PTSD, Chronic Health Issues, or Addictions, Medical Workers, Firefighters, First Responders, Keepers of the Peace, those that work or live in High-Stress Environments, and those that are dealing with Grief or Loss issues such as Divorce or Death. EFT can be applied as often as needed or wanted.


* EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) $50: 1.5 hr session via Skype.


* 25 years in the fields of Spiritual Consciousness and Embodiment, Meditation, Yoga, & Health & Well-Being.


* Note: EFT is not intended to replace any physical medical or Earth-based treatments that may be required for your full physical care.

Guided Visualization & Meditation Session...

Why meditate?


In these sessions  you will learn a  myriad of visualization and meditation techniques from  various pathways to assist you in connecting with  Source, Higher Self, Spirit plane helpers, your centered Authentic Self, the Earth, and humanity.


The purpose is to allow alignment of  your  mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies,  quiet your mind, breathe deep in your belly,  de-stress, develop awareness, improve memory, brain functioning, mood, and pain management,  curb cravings and addictions, self-heal, do planetary healing,  soften judgments, cultivate compassion, and so much more. Open up sacred space to experience the bliss of your  enlightened I AM Presence.


* Guided Visualization & Meditation Instruction: 1.5 hr Private $50 per session. Feel free to share a couple/ family/ or group meditation session with anyone in your household. For best results, on-going weekly sessions are recommended.


* Via Skype.


* 25 years in the fields of Spiritual Consciousness and Embodiment, Meditation, Yoga, Health & Well-Being.


* Guided Visualization & Meditation is not intended to replace any physical medical or Earth-based treatments that may be required for your full physical care.



" I would recommend Ruby Rose's Meditation/ Guided Imagery Classes to anyone that is ready to make a positive change in their life, like starting over! This class is what every person needs to become relaxed, deal with positive and negative relationships, find out who they are from the inside out, and also teach them about how important it is to take care of our body, mind, and spirit." - Elma Williams


" The Meditation class was such a heart-opening, mind-opening experience! With a clear positive voice, I was lead through a 'grounding' of the chakras type of relaxation exercise, and shown many ways to become conscious of aspects of life, symbolize them, and ponder them in my own way. The experience lasts well beyond the class! "- Edith Elaine

Shamanic Journeying
via Skype

These sessions are designed to teach You the art of Shamanic Journeying. Through the use of intention, breath, sound, relaxation, and visualization we access altered brainwave frequencies in order to connect with different parts of consciousness to receive the messages and Medicine this provides. These sessions are custom-made according to your particular needs and interests. Some examples include:


* Journey into and dialog with a Chakra
* Journey into and dialog with area of the Body/ Illness
* Journey into a past trauma for Soul Retrieval
* Journey to find your Medicine Animal (s)
* Journey to find your Medicine Object (s)
* Journey into and dialog with an Element (s)
* Journey into and dialog with an Emotion (s)
* Journey to dialog with your Inner Feminine or Masculine
* Journey to find your Dream/ Inspiration
* Journey to meet and dialog with an Ancestor, Spirit Guide, or loved one from Other Side


** Contact Ruby Rose EvenStar to schedule your session.
* $150 for 1.5 hr session via Skype.


* 25 years experience in the fields of Spiritual Consciousness and Embodiment, Meditation, Yoga, and Health & Well-Being.


* Additional on-going Spiritual Guidance and Health & Well-Being Coaching $50/hr.


* Note: Shamanic Journeying Sessions are not intended to replace any physical medical or Earth-based therapies that may be required for your full physical care.




Hey Ruby, Thank you so much. I slept amazing. I feel amazing and tired, but I really feel like so much left my bodies that I’m not tethered anymore. I’m still tired and resting and eating well. I just wanted to tell you I really loved what we did. Oh and ! My mother called me out of blue today and cooked me a huge dinner! Very lovely! Thank you RR I love you and your work, purest Shaman Work ever.


-Kimberly Clarke, North Carolina  - Hochoka  Healing With Horses

"I have to thank you very much for the Shamanic journey. I have always recognized and honored the power women have. Being raised by a powerful woman I would have been bigger than a fool not to do so.

It all boils down to self-love and I had that reinforced during our journey. That kind of love cannot be found in others. I was looking for that kind of love in women. I am not saying it is not there, more that I cannot rely on that love to fill the whole I should have filled myself.

Thank you, Ruby! I have had a huge shift since the Shamanic Journey.
“ –Jim Monson

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I was telling my mom about my experience with the visualization ... she really loves to hear how I work on me. And I don't mind sharing with her it feels safe and maybe even more healing.


She wrote me last night (super uncommon because usually she is drunk) and told me that her mom visited her in her dream and talked to her and that that hadn't happened before even though she really wanted it to..

Then she wrote this to me:


 "I love you to honey, thanks for all your support.... I know it’s hard for you to deal with my addiction, and me but I am so proud of who you are.  I sometimes can’t believe you are my daughter 😘😘😘sweet dreams momma loves you more. "


I don't know that she has ever admitted that to me… I just wanted to share. I really feel like as I heal myself others come along with me… and I feel she is slowly shifting 💜💜


I just wanted to share. Thank you again for your work."



" I want to thank you again for the help and guidance you give me. My life has changed 100% since this same time last year and you are the spark that has helped me grow. Friday’s Journey was remarkable and I am still taking it all in. “ -Anonymous


Phone Sessions

Spiritual, Health & Well-Being, & Relationship Guidance

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I AM an Empath and Intuitive who weaves many pathways and modalities throughout my work. These include, but are not limited to: Chakras/ Energetic Body, Alternative Body, Mind, Emotion, Spirit Modalities, Compassionate Active Listening and NVC, Q & A, Basic Numerology, Astrology, Crystals & Gems, Nutrition & Nature, Yoga/ Movement, Breath-work, Inner-Child, Jungian Psychology, Shamanism, Angels, Various Spiritual and Religious Pathways, S.O.M, I AM Affirmations, Meditation/ Visualization, Exploring Core Beliefs & Emotions, Past -Life, Law of Attraction, Journaling/ Writing, Storytelling, Art, Recommended Reading, Viewing, & Listening Materials, and Holistic Products.


** Contact Ruby Rose EvenStar to book your session.
* $50 for 1 hr Phone Session.


* 25 years experience in the fields of Spiritual Consciousness and Embodiment, Meditation, Yoga, and Health & Well-Being.

* Additional on-going Spiritual Guidance and Health & Well-Being Coaching $50/hr.


* Note: Spiritual, Health & Well-Being, & Relationship Guidance Phone Sessions are not intended to replace any physical medical or Earth-based therapies that may be required for your full physical care. These are not clinical Mental Health sessions, I do not diagnose, nor prescribe, or work with allopathic medications.

* Are you seeking clarity, wisdom, and guidance in the areas of Spirituality, Health & Well-Being & Relationships?


*Do you feel like you just need someone to compassionately listen and really hear you?


* Are you dealing with difficult

circumstances, emotions, and and looking for a way to authentically move toward the next best feeling thought, emotion, and/ or action step?


* Do you feel burdened by a secret that you have not felt ready to share yet with the people in your life, and just want someone to confidentially hold space for you around it?

* Are you having difficulty making a decision and want some intuitive assistance?


* Are you feeling weighted down or stuck in past childhood, relationship, and/ or other trauma issues, and open to knowing more about what combination of alternative therapeutic modalities might serve you best in overcoming, healing, and properly integrating these?


* Are you interested in learning more about Self-Care and how to implement it into your present life?


* Are you ready to explore more about Who You Are, the depth of your being, your authentic pathway (s), consciously co-creating with intention, and exploring the possibilities of your potential?


These are some examples of topics that can be explored during our phone sessions. If you have something else in mind, just ask, and we will see if it is a viable match to what I offer.




" Ruby has been very instrumental in guiding me through my path to understand my Soul’s journey. I have done many Chakra sessions with Ruby as well as many coaching sessions and an EFT session. Ruby truly can tune into my energy and work her gifts to shine a Light down the path that shows the most promise. I have read two of Ruby’s books and found them full of her Spiritual wisdom. Wisdom that I can take into my everyday life. Ruby is truly a Mystic that can see into the unseen to help guide you on your Soul’s journey. "-Jim Monson




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